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WALLACH, L., (ed.),

The Classical Tradition. Literary and Historical Studies in Honor of Harry Caplan.

Cornell University Press, New York, 1966. 606p. Frontispiece. Original red cloth. Spine gilt titled. Lower corner front cover a bit bumped.
A.o.: C. BRADFORD WELLES: Isocrates' View of History (pp.3-26); G.M. KIRKWOOD: The Narrative Art of Bacchylides (pp.98-115); G. VLASTOS: Zeno of Sidon as a Critic of Euclid (pp.148-160); H.F. NORTH: Canons and Hierarchies of the Cardinal Virtues in Greek and Latin Literature (pp.165-187); D.E.W. WORMELL: Catullus as Translator (pp.187-202); E.L. BASSETT: Hercules and the Hero of the Punica (pp.258-274)L. PARSON: Apollodorus, the Eleventh Attic Orator (pp.347-360); W.S. HOWELL: Rhetoric and Poetics: A Plea for the Recognition of the Two Literatures (pp.374-391); M.V. ANSATOS: Porphyry's Attack on the bible (pp.421-451); M.T. HERRICK: Hyrcanian Tigers in Renaissance Tragedy (pp.559-572). From the library of the late Prof. Dr. Tony Reekmans.
€ 25.00 Antiquarian