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BOWIE, E., and J. ELSNER, (eds.),


Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (...), 2021. 1st paperback ed. XII,401p. Paperback.
'This collection of sixteen articles is both the culmination and product of the recent renaissance of interest in Philostratus which is so frequently alluded to within its won pages. With many of the leading names in Second sophistic scholarship among its list of contributors and what I estimate to be almost a decade's delay in its publication, this volume constitutes a long-anticipated landmark in Philostratean studies. If one central position might be identified in this multifaceted collection, it is that Philostratus' works are paradigmatic of the Second sophistic's reassertion and renegotiation of classical Greek heritage and Greek cultural identity.' (PHILIP ETHERINGTON on the first edition in The Classical Review (New Series), 2010, p.397.
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