Kritiek als herwaardering van het levenswerk van Jacob Perizonius (1651-1715).
Universitaire Pers, Leiden, 1971. 252p. Folding chart. Original red gilt stamped cloth with dust wrps. Diss. Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.
'The title indicates the twofold intention of this bio-bibliographical study. Besides a critical revaluation of the character and writings of this unjustly forgotten Dutch scholar the book describes his critical attitude and makes an assessment of his own critical position. (...) the first three chapters deal successively with his parentage and childhood, his activities in Franeker and his Leiden years (...). The third chapter also contains a description of his personality and his partly amiable, partly diputatious and hair-splitting character. His merit as a philologist, demonstrated in his commentary on the 'Minerva' of Sanctius together with his edition of Aelian's 'Varia Historica' for instance, is also discussed. In the fourth chapter his importance as an historian is weighed. (...) Valuable are his 'Origenes Babylonicaeet Aegyptiacae', his vindication of the Roman historian Quintus Curtius, and his lectures on universal history. In these writings he proves himself to be a surprisingly modern historian. (...) The story of his live, finished in the fifth chapter, is followed by a detailed bibliography. A genealogical survey and tow appendices (...) are also included.' (Th.J. MEIJER in the Summary, pp.245-46).
€ 25.00