The Greek and Macedonian Art of War.
University of California Press, Berkeley / Los Angeles, 1957. VII,109p. Original green cloth with dust wrps. Signature W. den Boer on half title. Series: Sather Classical Lectures, volume 30.
βTo span the whole gamut of Greek and Macedonian warfare in six short chapters ia s massive task. A. reduces this to workable proportions by concerning himself largely with the factors which determined the character of warfare at each successive stage and which caused development from one stage to the next, and by employing an economical style which yet sacrifices nothing of precision or charm. The result is a book surprisingly full of information and of interpretations always interesting, sometimes provocative.β (E.W. MARSDEN in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1960, pp.224-225). From the library of W. den Boer.
β¬ 48.00