Pompey in Cicero's Correspondence and Lucan's Civil War.
Mouton, Paris, 1969. 100p. Carton cover with dust wrps. Signature on half title. Series: Studies in Classical Literature, 3.
‘This short study seeks to prove that Cicero’s letters were among Lucan’s sources and that this theory can be supported by the similarities between the treatment of Pompey in the letters and in Lucan’s epic. Its method is an examination of the relevant passages, placed in chronological sequence, with some comment upon historical context in the case of the Cicero passages, and upon the poetic and other exigencies which affected Lucan. (…) The problem of Lucan’s sources is always complicated by the loss of the relevant books of Livy. The author rightly attacks Pichon’s dogmatic pro-lilian view (p.71), but even after her patient examination one must admit that certainty about Lucan’s use of Cicero cannot be attained. (…) The historical facts are well known enough for us to be able to see the poet’s mind at work in manipulating the facts to serve the purposes of his epic. In this respect Holliday’s book is least satisfying, for the crucial passages in Lucan are not fully discussed, although they are mentioned and often quoted. (…). It is sufficient here to express the hope that she will give us a more detailed work on Lucan’s Pompey which will do justice to Lucan’s paradoxical position as poet, Republican, Stoic and former friend of Nero. It is only in the light of such a critical study that the Cieronian Pompey can be seen in its right relationship to the epic character.’ (MARK MORFORD in The Classical Journal 1971, pp.268-269).
€ 20.00