Aristotle, Plato and Pythagoreanism in the First Century BC. New Directions for Philosophy.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (...), 2013. 1st ed. XXIV,305p. Hard bound with dust wrps. Spine gilt titled.
A.o.: M. HATZIMICHALI: The texts of Plato and Aristotle in the first century BC (pp.1-28); M. RASHED: Boethius' Aristotelian ontology (pp.53-78); A. EUNYOUNG Ju: Posidionius as historian of philosophy: an interpretation of Plutarch, 'de Anima Procreatione in timaeo 22, 1023b-c (pp.95-118); A.A. LONG: The eclectic Pythagoreanism of Alexander Polyhistor (pp.139-160); D. SEDLEY: Cicero and the 'Timaeus' (pp.187-206).
€ 55.00