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DOREY, T.A., (ed.),

Empire and Aftermath. Silver Latin II.

Routledge & Kegan Paul, London / Boston, 1975. XI,211p. Original green cloth with dust wrps. Signature and date on free endpaper. Small notes on contents page.
Contents: A.J. WOODMAN: Velleius Paterculus (pp.1-26); C.J. CARTER: Valerius Maximus (pp.26-57); M. CHIBNALL: Pliny's 'Natural History' and the Middle Ages (pp.57-79); M. WINTERBOTTOM: Quintillian and rhetoric (pp.79-98); M.L. CLARKE: Quintilian on Education; B. RADICE: The Letters of Pliny (pp.119-143); S. MACCORMACK: Latin Prose Panegyrics (pp.143-206).
€ 20.00 Antiquarian