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COLEMAN-NORTON, P.R., (ed.), with the assistance of F.C. BOURNE and J.V.A. FINE,

Studies in Roman Economic and Social History in Honor of A.Ch. Johnson.

Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1951. XIII,373p. Original green cloth. Spine with gilt titled vignette. Spine a bit discoloured. Cover vaguely stained.
A.o.: G.E. DUCKWORTH: Wealth and Poverty in Roman Comedy (pp.36-49); M. GRANT: A Step Toward World-coinage: 19 B.C. (PP.88-113); P.R. COLEMAN-NORTON: The Apostle Paul and the Roman Law of Slavery (pp.155-178); H.C. YOUTIE: The Heidelberg Festival Papyrus: A Reinterpretation (pp.178-209); J. DAY: The Value of Dio Chrysostom's Euboean Discourse (pp.251-275); P. CHARANIS: The Aristocracy of Byzantium in the Thirteenth Century (pp.336-357). From the library of the late Prof. Dr. Tony Reekmans.
€ 35.00 Antiquarian