Acta Andreae. Textus.
Brepols, Turnhout, 1989. 423-848p. Original brown gilt titled cloth. Upper edge publisher's stained. Card listing manuscripts loosely inserted. Head spine slightly bumped. Still a nice copy. Series: Corpus Christianorum, Series Apocryphorum, 6.
'Prieur’s second volume is subtitled Textus. Here we find the text (and French translation) of the remains of the acts and martyrdom. (…) Prieur’s apparatus informs us section by section which manuscripts he used for his reconstruction and then proceeds to detail differences - including orthography - between them. (…) Prieur’s text volume also includes Gregory of Tours’ Life of Andrew. The Latin text and introduction to it are that of Bonnet’s edition of 1885: an apparatus, especially of orthographical variants, is included below the Latin text; notes of an exegetical nature occur on the pages of the facing French translation. Prieur’s edition is (…) a major scholarly edition, replete with exhaustive indexes.’ (J.K. ELLIOTT in Novum Testamentum, 1991, pp.379-381).
€ 125.00