Rhetorica Movet. Studies in Historical and Modern Rhetoric in Honour of H.F. Plett.
Brill, Leiden (...), 1999. IX,545p. Original blue gilt titled cloth.
A.o.: B.F. SCHOLZ: Ekphrasis and Enargeia in Quintilian's 'Institutionis oratoriae libri xii' (pp.3-25); J. RICE HENDERSON, Must a Good Orator Be a Good Man? Ramus in the Ciceronian Controversy (pp.43-57); L. D. GREEN: Grammatica Movet: Renaissance Grammar Books and 'elocutio' (pp.73-117); N.S. STRUEVER: Dilthey's Hobbes and cicero's Rhetoric (pp.233-263); J. KOPPERSCHMIDT: ' Die Dialektik der Beredsamkeit' Oder: Über die goldenen Ketten der Rhetorik (pp.415-433). G. OTTO: Über Totenreden (pp.505-523).
€ 95.00