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SCOTT, H.F., and A. HORN,

Latin Book One.

Scott, Foresman and company, Chicago (...), n.d.(>1942). (Revision of 'First Latin Lessons, revised ed., 1928). 448p. ills.(B&W as well as full colour pictures). Pictorial cloth bound. Pictorial endpapers. Name and date on free endpapers. Blind tooling name stamp on title page.
'Latin Book One' aims to bring out for the pupil the social values of the classical studies, the human and humanistic side of Latin, and to show him how Roman life and speech have influenced our own. (...) The chief cause of the difficulty Latin presents to the average student is the fact that he does not know English grammar. In 'Latin Book One' every new principle is explained fully without the assumption that the pupil has any previous knowledge of English grammar. The principles of grammer are presented in simple language with English examples; each of these is followed by the corresponding Latin usage. *...0 From the first lesson of the book, the pupil's attention is calles to the close connection between words in English and in Latin. Practically every lesson contains brief exercises in word study - each based on the vocabulary with which it appears (...). Connected Latin reading is introduced frequently from the beginning. To afford pleasing variety, this material takes different forms. (...) In the organization of the lessons, recurrence of words and forms has been carefully charted in order to insure sufficient repetition for mastery.' (From the Preface, pp.3-4).
€ 35.00 Antiquarian