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DUVAL, P.-M., and Chr. HAWKES, (eds.),

Celtic Art in Ancient Europe. Five Protohistoric Centuries. Proceedings of the Colloquy held in 1972 at the Oxford Maison Française. L'Art Celtique en Europe Protohistorique. Débuts, développements, styles, techniques.

Seminar Press, London (...), 1976. XIII,316p. ills.(B&W photographs and line drawings).
‘The book is not intended to be a succinct introduction to the arts of the La Tène Iron Age for the general reader, but it should be read by all who wish to discover how much has been achieved since the pioneering, but now very dated, studies of Jacobsthal (…) and Fox (…). For it affords an invaluable, indeed fascinating, insight into the state of knowledge of the subject, and into the attitudes and views held by most of its leading students, at the beginning of this decade. Yet the reader should not expect to find here an even coverage of the whole range of problems concerning the arts of the early Celts. Attention is concentrated on three topics - the fifth and fourth centuries, with papers by Frey, Krtua, Sandars, and Schwappach on various aspects of the ‘Early’ and ‘Waldaggesheim’ phases of Celtic art (…) A more widely-ranging paper by Hawkes, though placed at the head of the volume, links this group with the next four papers which are concerned with Britain and Ireland (Jope and Savory on shields, Duignan on the Turoe Stone, and Lowery and Savage on the construction of the pattern on the Holcombe mirror). The third topic is the much neglected one of design on celtic coins, which is tackled in a pair of papers by Allen and Duval. The volume is rounded off with a study of the use of coral by S. Champion (…); a brief examination by Clint-Jensen of the stylistic relationship of certain later La Tène pieces, with specific reference to the influence of Dacian silverware on objects from Scandinavia and elsewhere; and a characteristically thoughtful and eclectic conclusion by Piggott.’ (M.G. SPRATLING in Britannia, 1978, p.488).
€ 40.00 Antiquarian