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Fragmenta edidit veterum testimonia collegit Io.Tarditi. (Archiloco, Introduzione, testimonianza sulla vita e sul arte, testo critico, traduzione).

In Aedibus Athenaei, Romae, 1968. VIII,298p. Original green cloth with dust wrps. Series: Lyricorum Graecorum quae exstant, 2.
'Since the appearance of P.Oxy. XXII, there have been four editions of Archilochus, not counting chrestomathies. The least useful is that of Adrados in his Líricos griegos. The Budé by Lasserre and Bonnard gives the sources fully, and must still be consulted, but it is maddening in presentation and often mad in substance. Treu's Tusculum-Ausgabe gives a safe text with learned and canny Erläuterungen. Tarditi's edition is superior to all three in its combination of fullness with sobriety and clear lay-out, and in the range of its indices (which include an index verborum), and it must rank as the best edition of Archilochus currently available.' (M.L. WEST in The Classical Review (New Series), 1970, p.147). From the library of Prof. Carl Deroux.
€ 55.00 Antiquarian