Las personas de Eurípides.
Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam, 2007. 349p. Paperback. LIke new. Series: Classical and Byzantine Monographs, Vol. LXV.
'This book is the result of the project 'Argumenta Dramatica: The Theater as Rhetorical and Philosophical Argument', developed at the University of Almeria between 2002 and 2005, with contributions from the Universities of Coimbra (Portugal), Mérida (Venezuela) and Naples, Federico II (Italy). All the articles were originally written in Spanish or translated into Spanish from the original Portuguese or Italian. The volume comprises an Introduction and eight essays grouped in two sections. The first section, entitled 'Personae', includes six essays which develop the central issue of the research. The second, entitled Lives contains two chapters: Life and Lives of Euripides and the translation of the Lives of Euripides. In addition we have a Bibliography, three Indices (passages, names, modern authors), abstracts of the six essays of the First Part and a General Index. (...) The structure of the volume is remarkably good, although one regrets that there is no consistency in the layout of the essays. This book offers the reader, above all the specialist, fresh suggestions for further research on Euripides. It is sustained by a very original perspective and it contains a wealth of information very useful both for experts who wish to have an up-to-date account of the latest trends in Euripidean drama criticism, and for graduates looking out for new research topics.' (ESTHER PAGLIALUNGA in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.03.15). From the library of Prof. Carl Deroux.
€ 75.00