Die Elegien des Properz. Eine Interpretation.
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 2010. 373p. Paperback. Nice copy.
'Those who have enjoyed S.'s interpretation of the 'Odes' of Horace and the poems of Catullus will welcome his latest publication, a reading of the elegies of Propertius. Using the same format as for his previous books, S. provides a general introduction to Propertius and his poetry, followed by a brief interpretation of each of the 92 elegies. (...) In his aim to elucidate each elegy's topic, train of thought and structure, S. draws, as he himself points out, primarily on information provided by Fedeli's commentary (...). His discussion of textual questions (...) testifies to an in-depth and critical engagement with both past and most recent editions (...). By contrast, S.'interpretation of the poems' content refers rather sparsely to current scholarship. The reason for this may be found in the premises on which S. bases his reading. According to S., Propertius is an apologetical poet who loves peace; his girl, in turn, is not a 'scripta puella', but a 'real' woman. (...) Judged on its own merits, S.'s volume offers a valuable contribution to the field. First and foremost, it provides a well-crafted, concise and admirably consistent introduction to every single elegy of Propertius. (...) Whenever S. engages in scholars' discussions about corrupt passages, his own proposed reading evinces his in-depth study of editions and emendations. His remarks about stylistic features of Propertius' narrative are astute. In this regard S. has preserved a sense for poetry that had been neglected during the past era of theoretical approaches. (...) S. has chosen to interpret a segment of Latin poetry in a unique fashion.' (BARBARA P. WEINLICH in The Classical Review (New Series), 2012, pp.154-155).
€ 30.00