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Edidit R. Pfeiffer. Volumen I: Fragmenta. Volumen II: Hymni et Epigrammata.

Clarendon, Oxford,1987. Reprint reissue 1965. 2 vols. XIV,520;CVI,208p. Original blue cloth. Spine gilt titled. Signature C.D.N. Costa and date on paste-down endpaper.
'It is no disparagement of Pfeiffer's achievement to point out that many old problems remain unsolved, while the newest texts contribute more than their fair share of difficulties. Indeed, his edition should be regarded as a challenge to scholars (...) to exert their wits now that all the material is al last set out so fully and clearly in one volume instead of being scattered over numerous publications often hard to obtain. (...) (E.A. BARBER on volume I, in The Classical Review (New Series), 1951, p.79). 'Pfeiffer completes in the second volume his edition of the works of Callimachus, The two volumes together (...) are without question the most important publication in the field of Hellenistic literature since Schneider's edition of the same poet in 1870-1873. The second volume now published includes the text of the hymns and epigrams; the diegeseis and scholia to the hymns; prolegomena to the fragments, hymns and epigrams (pp.ix-xciv); the testimonia to the life and works of the poet; addenda et corrigenda to Vols. I-II (pp.100-126) and indices rerum notabilium and vocabulorum. (…) The examination of the papyri and manuscripts on which the text is based is detailed, and the stemma codicum of the hymns (...) admirably established. (…) The text of the hymns and epigrams is carefully established and must be considered a definite improvement on the fourth edition of Wilamowitz. And this is not only due to the new papyrus readings at Pfeiffer's disposal, but also to his fine feeling of the Callimachean style (...). Lastly I should like to commend the Index Verborum, a formidable task in a text where so many fragments (...) are involved. Among other things, it will also help scholars in identifying more fragments of this remarkable poet.' (C.A. TRYPANIS in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1954, p.203). € 275,00
€ 275.00 Antiquarian