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FONTAINE, M., and A.C. SCAFURO, (eds.),

The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Comedy.

Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018. 1st paperback ed. XIV,894p. Paperback.
'This volume covers the history of comic genres (the Old and the New, literary and performed mime, etc.) from Attic comedy's uncertain origins, its development throughout the Classical and Hellenistic periods in Greek history, its dissemination throughout the Mediterranean area and the advent of Roman comedy, down to the afterlife of comedy in Late Antiquity. Two appendices conclude the volume. The editors describe the volume as a 'comprehensive introduction and reference work' to this'longue durée of comedy' (p.22). This is accomplished perfectly. (...) In a volume as diverse as this, specialists may of course find disagreement on more than one occasion, but this does not detract from the fact that the volume is without doubt a major scholarly achievement and offers an excellent starting point for anyone studying Greek and Roman comedy in all its variety.' (MARCEL LYSGAARD LECH in The Classical Review, 2015. pp.361-362).
€ 46.00 New

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