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CÈBE, J.-P.,

Varron, Satires Ménippées. Édtion, traduction et commentaire 1, 2, 3, 4.

École Française de Rome, Palais Farnèse, Rome, 1972/74/75/77. 4 vols. XXVII,758 + indices. Sewn. Cardboard with dust wrps. Fore edge bit rust stained. Vol.4: Free endpaper rust stained.
'This volume contains the Aborigines, Agatho, Age modo, Aiax Stramenticus, allos outos Herakles, ammon metreis, and Andabatae, that is thirty-five fragments.(...) Each fragment is translated conveniently on the page on which it is cited; below, we have the lemmata and a clear apparatus taken from printed source. Each satire is followed first by an essay given the 'état de question'- these are good - and then by notes. (...) there is a bibliography, a concordance, and an excellent analytic index, which compensates in part for the somewhat ill-digested and prolix character of the notes. (...) This important work (...) will be essential and standard.' (A.S. GRATWICK on the first volume in The Classical Review (New Series), 1976, pp.26-28).
€ 80.00 Antiquarian

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