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De Rerum Natura IV. Edited with an Introduction, Translation and Commentary by J. Godwin.

Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2008. Reprint ed.1986. XII,170p. Paperback. Series: Aris & Phillips Classical Texts. Nice copy.
'This edition to the publisher's enterprising series of classical texts constitutes the first separate edition of Lucretius 4 in English, and is designed by the author to make the work accessible to everybody, in particular those picking up Lucretius for the first time. This makes it regrattable that the brief introduction fails to present a clear picture of the poem, the eradication of the fear of the gods and the fear of death (...), of the contribution of the six books to this twofold aim, and of the place to the ethical theory in the poem. (...) The reader could have found his way through book 4 much easily if a synopsis had been provided, and if there had been more consistency with the introductory headings in the notes (...) The translation is designed primarily functional, but is by no means flawless. (...) In the commentary, the information provided on the philosophy is usually reliable(...). As to the poetry, G. throughout, as the excellent analysis of 858-76 in the introduction leads one to expect, shows himself sensitive and sympathetic to Lucretius' 'ars', to his imagery, sound effects and syntactical onomatopoeia; it is here, perhaps, that the greatest virtues of this edition lies.' (P. MICAHEL BROWN in The Classical Review (New Series), 1988, pp.409-410).
€ 22.50 Antiquarian