Eius Virtutis Studiosi: Classical and Postclassical Studies in Memory of Frank Edward Brown (1908-1988).
National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1993. 502p. ills. Cloth wrps.
A.o.: M. TORELLI, Regiae d'Etruria e del Lazio e immaginario figurato del potere (pp.85-123); S.B. DOWNEY, The Palace of the Dux Ripae at Dura-Europos and 'Palatial' Architecture of Late Antiquity (pp.183-201); J. COLLINS-CLINTON, A Hellenistic Torso from Cosa (pp.257-281); J. COLEMAN-CARTER, Taking Possession of the Land: Early Greek Colonization in Southern Italy (pp.343-369); J. PACKER, The West Library in the Forum of Trajan: The Architectural Problems and Some Solutions (pp.421-447).
€ 26.50