Belli Civilis liber septimus. Introduzione, testo critico e commento a cura di D. Gagliardi.
La Nuova Italia, Firenze, 1975. XXVI,125p. Hard bound. Edges a bit yellowed. Series: Biblioteca di Studi Superiori, Vol.LXIII.
The book under review ‘contains an introduction, bibliography, Lives of Lucan, text with notes and brief apparatus criticus, and an index nominal. The introduction is mainly concerned with the literary appreciation and political background of Book VII. Lucan’s Stoic sympathies, the pathos and grandeur of his work, the new turn that his love of freedom gave to Latin poetry his Nachleben, the revival of interest in his epic today, his pessimistic attitude towards the running of the universe, his debt to his predecessors and anti-virginian tendencies, and his characterisation of Pompey - each of these is briefly treated, with references to modern writings. (…) One of the chief merits of this work is the attempt at every sentence to give a literary appreciation. (…) Points of dispute are discussed at some length and useful parallels adduced.’ (O.A.W. DILKE in The Classical Review (New Series), 1978, p.40).
€ 65.00