Between Republic and Empire. Interpretations of Augustus and His Principate.
University of California Press, Berekeley (...), 1990. XXI,495p. Hardbound with dust wrps.
‘This substantial and interesting collection of papers, the fruit of a series of colloquia held at Brown University in the spring of 1987, is organised around five main areas: historiography, poetry, art, religion, and politics. It is dedicated to the memory of Sir Ronald Some, who died on 4 September 1989 (…) The distinction of many of the contributors and the care of the editors have produced a work that has more unity, higher quality, and for long stretches a larger field of view than many such current fashionable ‘instant books’.’ (JOHN CARTER in The Journal of Roman Studies, 1991, p.201). From the library of Prof. Carl Deroux.
€ 35.00