Les cités grecques dans l'Empire romain. Les privilèges et les titres des cités de l'Orient hellénophone d'Octave Auguste à Dioclétien.
Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, 2009. 514p. Paperback. Nice copy.
'Guerber's work is (...) the first to cover both the whole of the Greek-speaking East (with the sadly inevitable exception of Egypt) from the reign of August to that of Tacitus and (almost) the whole range of statuses and priviliges. It will be, particularly given the amount of new evidence that has come to light in recent years, an extremely valuable reference resource, and this is the main (and undoubtedly sufficient) justification for its appearance in book format (...). G.'s detailed footnotes need to be read with attention (...) and much information is conveniently tabulated for the first time (...). The treatment is arranged topically and proceeds roughly in the order of first attestation of a particular institution. (...) Methodologically, the stress is on continuities and on viewing developments, in the 'Annales' tradition. (...) This is a work of solid epigraphic and numismatic scholarship and (...) it will be useful for any student of the Roman East under the Empire.' (GEORGY KANTOR in The Journal of Roman Studies, 2012, pp.325-326). From the library of Prof. Carl Deroux.
€ 22.50