Form and Function in Roman Oratory.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2016. 1st paperback ed.XIV,353p. Paperback. Nice copy. Like new.
‘Latin studies florist in northern Britain, as the present volume, the written trace of a conference of the same title held at Edinburgh in 2007 with one additional paper, demonstrates. Of the nineteen authors of these eighteen papers (one written jointly by the editors), no fewer than seven currently teach at Edinburgh Glasgow, or St Andrews, and several more hail from northern England. The quality of the papers is generally high, the editing scrupulous, and the editors made the wise decision not to limit ‘oratory’ to the surviving texts of real speeches. Their net was cast widely, extending beyond Cicero’s orations to include not only Pliny, Apuleius, and the panegyrics but the representations of speech in Roman philosophy, historiography, and (in one case) statuary.’ (JAMES E.G. ZETZEL in Phoenix, 2011, p.408).
€ 27.50