Der Miles Gloriosus des Plautus und sein Griechisches Original. Ein Beitrag zur Kontaminationsfrage.
Wilhelm Fink, München, 1977. 457p. Original off-white cloth. Head spine a bit bumped. Series: Studia et Testimonia Antiqua, XVIII.
'The first third of the book is a detailed survey of previously published views, the scholars being divided like Homerists into analysts and unitarians, depending on their attitude to the unity of the play. After this historical survey, S. runs through the play himself, concentrating on the contentious scenes, and offering his own answers. Finally, he delineates the Greek original, The 'Alazon' (...), and summarizes the changes Plautus has made for his 'Miles Gloriosus'. He is a unitarian, arguing on grounds of style and balance of composition (...). Schaaf's handling of the problems is exhaustive, and his conclusions in general convincing. There should be no need for this work to be done again for a very long time.' (M.M. WILLCOCK in The Classical Review (New Series), 1979, pp.31-32).
€ 79.50