L'Utilisation d'Origène dans le commentaire des Psaumes de Saint Hilaire de Poitiers.
Publications Universitaires de Louvain, 1965. XXI,174p. Sewn. Cardboard. Unopened. Series: Studia Hellenistica, 14.
“St. Hilary’s indebtedness to Origen in his `Tractates super Psalmos` is mentioned several times by St. Jerome and is therefore a matter of common knowledge but until 1965 no detailed study had been published on the subject. Dr. Goffinet’s translation of his doctoral dissertation for the Catholic University of Louvain fills this gap. He has gone through Hilary’s commentary and the fragments of Origen on the Psalms looking for passages containing similar ideas (…), and the main part of the book is occupied by pairs of such passages arranged in parallel columns, each pair followed by a pair of paraphrases or summaries designed to bring out the similarities. Stylistic resemblances in the passages are brought to the attention of the reader by the use of italics and underlining. Goffinet claims (on p.140) to have proved that Hilary did use Origen, and his claim is certainly justified, despite minor criticisms that can be made on points of detail.” (C.P. HAMMOND in The Journal of Theological Studies, (New Series), 1969, p.311). From the library of the late Prof. Dr. Tony Reekmans.
€ 45.00