Rudens. Edited with Critical and Explanatory Notes by E.A. Sonnenschein.
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1891. XXII,211p. Cloth. Spine gilt titled. Endpages rust stained. (Rare).
'Long delayed by the pressure of other work, this volume, which has been at once the delight and the despair of my leisure hours during the past five years, now passes from my hands and is submitted to the judgment of fellow-students of Plautus. The delay in publication I cannot regret, as I have been tereby enabled to make use of the admirable 'Apographon' of the Ambrosian palimpsest by the late professor Studemund of Breslau, which was published only last year. On a number of passges this collation throws new light, and if this, the first English edition of the Rudens, is found to be in some respects an advance on previous editions, it will be largely due to the fact that the editor has had the advantage of a more complete basis of MS. evidence than was accessible to his predecesoors. Apart from new readings, the mere fact of having before one a reproduction, page by page and line by line, of that can be deciphered in the oldest MS. is of the greatest assistance in the task of restoring the text.' (E.A. SONNENSCHEIN in the Preface, p. VII).
€ 75.00