De bello gildonico. Texte établi, traduit et commenté par E.M. Olechowska.
Brill, Leiden, 1978. XV,212p. Original red gilt stamped cloth. Series: Roma Aeterna, X.
'The main ingredients of this recent edition by Olechowska (...) of 'De Bello Gildonico' (...) are: bibliography, introduction, discussion of the manuscript tradition, text with translation (into French) and apparatus criticus, various indexes and a commentary. (...) For her first-hand discussion of the manuscript tradition, the first to be essayed on a substantial scale since Birt, O. draws on the evidence of 50 manuscripts (...); Birt effectively, had used 7, but in his preface made it clear that 'Gild. was in fact transmitted by upwards of 80 (...). In view of this fact one would like to know on what basis O. settled for a selection of manuscripts (...). O.'s choice of manuscripts to be used in the first instance in the constitution of the text is an eminently reasonable one (...); but the way in which O. comes to choose them is complicated indeed, and to some extent unintelligible. (...) O.'s text of 'Gild.' is on the whole pretty good(though there is perhaps more room for debate and more cause for indecision in this poem than others by Cl. (...). O.'s commentary comprises a serviceable collection of 'loci similes' and echoes (quoted in full and later tabulated in various indexes), some historical comment, rather too much empty insistence on sound effects (mostly very speculative and subjective) and a few critical remarks. (J.B. HALL in The Classical Review (New Series), 1983, pp.203-06). From the library of Prof. Carl Deroux.
€ 45.00