Lukrez und der Mythos.
Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1979. VI,219p. Paperback. Series: Palingenesia XIII. Nice copy. (Rare).
'This is a useful discussion, and Ackermann presents his case clearly and on the whole convincingly. Some points are missed or muffled because he relies too heavily on paraphrase of the content of Lucretius' text to the neglect of analysis of expression. (...) Ackermann is especially successful in showing how Lucretius breathed poetical live into Epicurus himself. This chapter, 'Remythisierung des Helden' (141-80) I would account the most valuable part of the book.' (E.J. KENNEY in The Classical Review (New Series), 1981, pp.19-21). From the library of Prof. Carl Deroux.
€ 75.00