The Moral and Political Tradition of Rome.
Thames and Hudson, n.p., 1967. 167p. Cloth wrps. With signature from Prof. Carl Deroux on free endpaper. Lower part cover, dust wrps and endpapers a little bit water stained. Series: Aspects of Greek and Roman Life.
'Earl's purpose is to trace the continuity in the moral concepts on which the theory and actions of Roman statesmen were based and to show how eventually Augustine was to adapt this very flexible code to fit new Christian attitudes, with the result that it was launched on another thousand years of effective life. (...) This is a most useful and stimulating piece of popularization in the best sense, derived from much recent work, amongst which Earl's own must take a prominent place.' (F.W. WALBANK in the The Classical Review (New Series), 1968, pp.332-34). From the library of Professor Carl Deroux.
€ 30.00