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Being Christian in Late Antiquity. A Festschrift for Gillian Clark.

Oxford University Press, 2014. 316p. Cloth with dust wrps.
‘The central theme of this collected volume, published on the occasion of Gillian Clark’s retirement as Professor of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Bristol, explores what it meant to become and be Christian in the ancient Mediterranean world, in particular in the late antique period. The theme is well chosen since it was and still is so pivotal to Clark’s own scholarship. She published widely on the Christianization of the Graeco-Roman world in general, on St. Augustine specifically, but also on women in late antiquity; and she wrote the useful booklet ‘Late Antiquity. A Very Short Introduction (2011). Apart from that she was one of the driving forces behind the series ‘Translated Texts for Historians”. Clark’s contributions to scholarship are eloquently described by Averil Cameron in the introductory chapter of the volume. The volume contains fifteen contributions by British and American friends and colleagues of Clark, most of them scholars of great renown in the field of studies of late antique studies. Almost all relate to Clark’s own scholarly work.’ (JAN WILLEM DRIJVERS in Church History, 2015, p.649). A.o.: S. GOLDHILL: Why Don’t Jews Write Biography? (pp.13-39); G.G. STROUMSA: On the Status of Books in Early Christianity (pp.57-74); C. HARRISON: Augustine and Plutarch on Capturing Wisdom (pp.90-109); N.Mc.LYNN: Julian and the Christian Professors (pp.120-139); K. POLLMANN: Christianity and Authority in Late Antiquity: The Transformation of the Concept of ‘Auctoritas’ (pp.156-175); D. TROUT: ‘Being Female’: Verse Commemoration at the ‘Coemeterium S. Agnetis’ (Via Nomentana) (pp.215-235); M. VESSEY: Fashions for Varro in Late Antiquity and Christian Ways with Books (pp.253-278).
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