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Studien zum 9. Buch von Lucans 'Bellum Civile'. Mit einem Kommentar zu den Versen 1-733.

Walter De Gruyter, Berlin / New York, 2008. XIII,507p. Original yellow titled blue cloth.
'This book is a work of pietas, published posthumously by friends and colleagues after the premature death of Martin Seewald in 2002. It contains a revised version of the author's 2001 PhD dissertation, 'A Commentary on Lucan Bellum Civile 9.1-604', extended by a commentary on Lucan Bellum Civile 9.604-733. Seewald thus covers book 9 up to the end of the snake catalogue. Death prevented Seewald from working on the remaining section (BC 9.734-1108), that includes the snake aristeia and Caesar's visit to Troy. In addition the editors of this volume, Gerrit Kloss and Jan Radicke, have included three studies on Lucan by Seewald, two of which have not previously been published. This book thus stands as monument to Seewald's life and work and is a valuable addition to the existing literature on Lucan. ' (MARTIN T. DINTER in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.02.53).
€ 75.00 Antiquarian

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