Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide. Thèmes majeurs et problèmes de composition.
Herbert Lang, Berne / Peter Lang, Francfort/M, 1976. 194p. Paperback. Series: Publications Universitaires Européennes, Série XV Philologie et littérature classiques, Vol. 8.
'No one would deny that there is often thematic cohesion between one episode and another within parts of the poem (...), but Boillat fails to prove that Ovid exploits his material to provide cohesion over the poem as a whole. Boillat's main aim in the second part is to show that thematic similarities 'entre récits principal et intercalé' help maintain the poem's unity when the chronological sequence is broken. This is the most successful section of the book.' (J.C. McKEOWN in The Classical Review (New Series), 1980, pp.140-41). From the library of Professor Carl Deroux.
€ 22.50