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MEER, B. van der, (ed.),

Material Aspects of Etruscan Religion. Proceedings of the International Colloquium Leiden, May 29 and 30, 2008.

Peeters, Leuven (...), 2010. VII,164p. ills.(B&W as well as full colour photographs and line drawings). Sewn. Nice copy. Series: Babesch, Supplement 16.
'It has been a long-held conception that the religious structure of an ancient people such as the Etruscans is to be learned chiefly through a study of the textual and epigraphic evidence. However, scholars have been discovering novel ways of analysing the archaeological data (altars, votive offering and other deposits at religious sites, artistic media, ets) in order to understand better the doctrines and rituals of ancient peoples. (...) the authors of these articles (...) have produced an excellent investigation of the material evidence that sheds more light on our understanding of the Etruscan religious 'Weltanschauung'. (...) Overall, this work is well written and thought-provoking, and it is a useful addition to the corpus of scholarly work on Etruscan religion.' (MIRANDA BARNETT in The Classical Review (New Series), 2012, pp.644-45). From the library of Professor Carl Deroux.
€ 55.00 Antiquarian