Cato der Zensor. Seine Persönlichkeit und seine Zeit. Mit einem Abdruck einiger Redefragmente Catos als Anhang.
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1979. Photomechanical reprint 1st ed.1954. 181p. Cloth. Nice copy.
'Neat and clear, this book is unpretentious and attractive both in format and content. It presents a study of Cato's personality rather than a full-scale 'Life' in which all aspects of his manifold activities would have to be subjected to detailed assessment. Dr. Kienast is impressed by the striking contrasts that are to be found in the various ancient accounts of Cato. (...) This portrait is presented with great clarity and the text is supported by twenty pages of notes and supplemented by the printing of the fragments of Cato's speeches. One of its most interesting aspects is the view taken of Cato's social and economic background. (...) Whether of not Cato was in fact quite so consistent a figure as K. depicts in this stimulating study, the man that emerges (...) is no less a powerful and dominating influence in Roman life.' (H.H. SCULLARD in The Journal of Roman Studies, 1955, pp.170-72).
€ 25.00