Roman Spain. Conquest and Assimilation.
Routledge, London / New York, 1991. 1st ed. IX,250p. Original black cloth with dust wrps. Nice copy.
‘The author asks how Iberia came to be part of the Roman Empire, and how did its ‘diverse inhabitants fit into the uniform mould of Roman life’. (…) The strength of this book lies in C.’s use of the rich epigraphic data, especially in dealing with religion and society in attempting to define what war different about Rome’s Spanish provinces. In this context, the chapter on Resistance to Romanisation usefully discusses some of the evidence for the survival of pre-Roman traditions into the Roman period, particularly in the Celtic areas of central and north-western Tarraconensis.’ (S. KEAY in Britannia, 1993, p.332).
€ 25.00