Der römische Triumph. Siegesfeiern im antiken Rom.
Beck, München, 1988. 171p. Paperback.
‘All you ever wanted to know about Roman triumphs but never liked to ask… This splendid book, like the Roman triumphal procession itself, takes us on a sinuous but inexorable course from the Campus Marius to the Capitol. On the way we are treated to a full account of the origins and development of the triumph and a detailed treatment of that part of Rome’s topography relevant to the triumphal procession. (…) Following the established and successful Beck ‘semi-popular’ format the book has plenty of illustrations but also includes footnotes, bibliography and index. With this framework K. has given a vivid account of the Roman trump that is at once lively and readable as well as being a serious piece of scholarship, free from the misleading false certainties that can creep into works of this kind.’ (RALPH JACKSON in The Journal of Roman Studies, 1990, pp.223-24). From the library of Professor Carl Deroux.
€ 39.50