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ALMAZOVA, Alma, Olga BUDARAGINA, a.o. (eds.),

Variante loquella Alaxandro Gavrilov Septuagenario.

Beck, München / Bibliotheca Classica Petropolitana, Petropoli, 2011. 623p. Hardbound. Series: Hyperboreus, Studia Classica, Vol.16-17. (Rare).
A.o.: D. PANCHENKO: Mice Destroying an Army (Hdt. 2. 141) and a Solution of The Tocharian Problem (pp.32-46); A. CORSO: The Topography of Ancient Athens in the 'Mirabilia Urbis Athenarum' (pp.69-81); D. KEYSER: In Virgine mulieres, fugitivi et compediti (Petr. Sat. 39. 9) (pp.121-131); Fr. FELGENTREU: Von der Kunst strategisch zu loben: Themistios zur Frage religiöser Toleranz nach dem Scheitern Julians (pp.195-209); A. und B. MANUWALD: Ist die Griechische Tragödie 'tragisch'? (pp.209-232); A. HURST: Ménandre et le méchant légaliste (pp.281-290); A. VERLINSKY: Theolgoy and Relative Dates of the 'Timaeus' and the 'Statesman': Some Considerations (pp.328-346); C.M. LUCARINI: Osservazioni sulla prima circolazione delle opere di Platone e sulle 'Trilogiae' di Aristofane di Bisanzio (D.L. 3,56-66) (pp.346-362); L. BRAUN: Über den Wandel epischer Bauformen im lateinischen Epos der Neuzeit (pp.479-493); Chr. STRAY: Reading Silence: the Books That Never Were (pp.527-539).
€ 45.00 Antiquarian