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INNES, D., H. HINE and Chr. PELLING, (eds.),

Ethics and Rhetoric. Classical Essays for Donald Russell on his Seventy-Fifth Birthday.

Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995. XVI,378p. Cloth wrps. Wrps to lower bottom slightly water stained. Else fine.
'It would take a Donald Russell to review this handsome birthday present properly, as only he has the expertise to comment on all the contributions, which range from the sack of Corinth to phantasia in Proclus and beyond. His bibliography, which prefaces the papers (xiv-xvi), confirms (if confirmation were needed) Robin Nisbet's elegant and witty Encomium (xi-xii) to Russell's 'learning and the clarity of his discourse.' Even more of a tribute, however, and evident throughout the volume, is the inspirational influence that he has had on students and colleagues alike. The papers are grouped in three sections. 'Latin, from the Ciceronian age onwards' (...), 'Later Greek Literature' (...) and 'Ancient literary criticism' (...) As with any such collection, the quality of the papers is uneven, though on the whole these are pieces which I enjoyed and from which I learned a great deal.' (CHRISTINA S. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 96.11.12). With contributions by a.o.: D. FOWLER, R. TARRANT, MARY BEAGON, J. MOLESRICHARD HAWLEY, D. HUNT, M. WINTERBOTTOM and M. WEST.
€ 95.00 Antiquarian