Ancient Narrative. Volume 11.
Barkhuis Publishing / University Library, Groningen, 2014. VI,258p. Hard bound.
A.o.: R. CIOFFI: Seeing Gods: Epiphany and Narrative in the Greek Novels (pp.1-43); E. MITCHELL: The Boy's Own love story: the romantic adventures of leukippe, Kleitophon, and Kleitophon's friends (pp.43-75); J.T. WINKLE: 'Necessary Roughness': Plato's 'Phaedrus' and Apuleius' 'Metamorphoses' (pp.93-133); N. WATSON: Dreams and Superstition: A Reinterpretation of Satire in Apuleius, 'Metamorphoses' 11 (pp.133-159).
€ 49.50