Theocriti, Bionis et Moschi CARMINA BUCOLICA. Graece et Latine. Latino carmine pleraque reddita ab Eobano Hesso, nonnulla ab E.G. higtio subiecit, Graeca ex Edd. primis, Codd & aliunde emendavit, variisque lectionibus instruxit L.C. VALCKENAER.
Honkoop, Leiden, 1810. XIV,567p. Leather bound. Spine gilt titled. Gilt stamped coat of arms with Pallas Athena. Prize book. Tail spine nicely restored. Fore hinges repaired. Pp.200-01 a bit stained.
'Of all the editors of Theocritus, none have attained more distinguished celebrity than Valckenaer; who in his second edition, has presented us with as complete and erudite a production as the lover of classical literature ever perused. Jacobs observes that 'Valckenaer alone has done more for Theocritus than all the previous editors of the poet put together; so that it may be said the poet owes more to the critic than the critic to the poet.' The edition of 1773, although correct and learned, contains only ten of the Idylls; the edition of 1779, the whole of Theocritus with Bion and Moschus. The notes are short, but critical and perspicuous; and the corrections of Brunck are oftener admitted than rejected. The basis of the edition was Winterton's (see Oxford editions of Theocritus, 1676-99), which is however, amended in a variety of places by the help of MSS. The annotations in 'Adoniazusas' are wonderfully learned, and contain a treasure of curious Grecian literature and antiquity. 'the edition of 1779', says Dalzel, 'is purely critical, and chiefly devoted to the restoration of the genuine readings of Theocritus.' The edition of 1781 and 1810 are a reprint of that of 1779.' (Dibdin II (4th ed.), pp.492-93).
€ 285.00