Les lieux communs du roman. Stéréotypes grecs d'aventure et d'amour.
Brill, Leiden (...), 1993. [XXVI],248p. ills. Original grey gilt titled cloth. With dust wrps. Series: Mnemosyne, Supplementum centesium vicesimum tertium.
'This study sets out to provide a thematic analysis of the principal representatives of Greek prose fiction: the novels of Achilles Tatius, Chariton, Heliodorus, Longus and Xenophon of Ephesus. Concentrating on the romantic aspect of these works, L. includes sections on themes such as the presentation of hero and heroine, the family, the progression of love, obstacles met by the couple and the types of minor character. (...) L.'s thematic comparisons between the Greek novels result in some interesting suggestions and insights. She points out for example the role of the travel motif as a concretisation of the lovers' impulse towards each other. L.'s findings also lead her to support the suggestion that Achilles Tatius' novel is consciously parodic. In the comparisons between novels, Heliodorus' treatment of the romance themes naturally emerges as particular. L. notes, for example, the 'partial and focalised' presentation of the hero and heroine in this novel; elsewhere, analysis of the mother figures reveals Persinna as an unusually strong figure.' (RUTH WEBB in The Classical Review (New Series), 1994, pp.274-75).
€ 62.50