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Graeciae Descriptio. Edidit, Graeca emendavit, apparatum criticum adiecit H. Hitzig. Commentarium Germanice scriptum cum tabulis topographicis et numismaticis addiderunt H. Hitzig et H. Bluemner. Voluminis Secundi pars prior. Liber Quartus: Messeniaca. Liber Quintus: Eliaca I.

Reisland, Leipzig, 1901. XIV,449p. 5 plates. Cloth. Spine gilt titled. Head and tail spine a bit bumped and a bit worn. Joints as well as corners bit scratched. Hinges a bit weak, showing underneath tissue. Signature (A(rnold) Hagemann (Freiburg,1910) on title page. Some rust from wire stitches in the hart of the binding. Some pencil annotations and underlinings from pp.219-26 and 243-78. (Rare).
From the library of the late Professor Doktor Nikolaus Himmelmann.
€ 95.00 Antiquarian