Le pouvoir et l'autorité. Avatars italiens de la notion d''auctoritas' d'Auguste à Domitien (27 a.C. - 96 p.C.).
Peeters, Louvain / Paris, 1995. XXVII,191p. Sewn. Series: Bibliothèque d'Études Classiques.
'This is a rather protean work, but if you can accept it on its own terms, it provides rewarding analyses of some of the central concepts of imperial ideology. G.'s aim it to provide a history of the phrase 'totius Italiae auctoritas', which surfaces first in Caesar and Cicero, but which, she claims, has a far larger significance, both in terms of its evolution and in terms of its realization under the early emperors. (...) This is a book which clearly wants to engage with complex problems of method, and which raises grand and intracable questions about how mythical discourse functions, how texts record what people thought, and how the words available to the historian coincide with lived experience and political circumstance. (...) Even if not definitive, this book is enjoyable and worth attention.' (MATTHEW FOX in The Classical Review (New Series), 1998, pp.223-24). From the library of Prof. Carl Deroux.
€ 21.50