A Commentary on Plutarch's De latenter vivendo.
Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2007. 279p. Paperback.
'Plutarch's anti-Epicurean works are full of what might take to be simplifications or caricatures of his opponents' views. They are nevertheless important and interesting philosophical works showing the interaction between Platonism of this period and other schools. Roskam's 'Commentary' gives a close reading of the 'De latenter vivendo' showing its thematic unity and the various styles of argumentative and rhetorical moves it contains. It also offers some detailed linguistic discussion. (...) The heart of the work is chapter 3, 'Plutarch's 'De latenter vivendo'(85-182) which gives a detailed chapter-by-chapter reading and analysis of the work and its various strategies. (...) I suspect that the value of the work lies more in the detailed accounts of particular stretches of argument, particular turns of phrase and paralleles with other works by Plutarch and others (these latter are dealt with in the more linguistic 'Commentary' at 183-221). Plutarch's philosophical works deserve serious attention of this kind and Roskam's two works (i.e. Roskam, 'Live Unnoticed': Lathe Viosas. On the Vicissiturdes of an Epicurean Doctrine, 2007 and the Commentary on De latenter Vivendo - ND) are an important contribution to this effort. (JAMES WARREN in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 2009, p.244).
€ 37.00