Clouds. Women in Power. Knights. Translated by K. McLeish.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (...), 1979. 186p. Paperback.
Aristophanes was the founding father of western comedy and remains one of its most brilliant exponents. The themes are strikingly modern - political corruption, the women's movement, education; the humour still has its vigour and its bite; the caracters are instantly recognizable. But too often English translations of his plays have presented them as inert and archaic litareary texts, usually heavily bowdlerized. They tend to miss the liveliness, the fun and the sheer playability of the work. Kennet McLeish offers here new and complete translations of three of Aristophanes' best plays: the 'Clouds', the 'Knights' and 'Women in Power'. He tries to follow the spirit as well as the letter of the originals, and draws on his own extensive experience as scriptwriter and performer in reproducing their tone, pace and verve. (Publisher's information).
€ 9.00