The Comedy of Menander. Convention, Variation and Originality.
Duckworth, London, 1994. 1st ed. 210p. Cloth wrps. Nice copy.
'The great strength of Zagagi's book is its accurate summary of current scholarly opinion on Menander and New Comedy. Its six chapters (...) cover all the bases. They provide cogent and reliable introductions to such complex issues as the formations and exploitation of stage and plot conventions, echoes of tragedy and the adaptation of tragic devices, and the realtionship between the dramatic fictions and social realities of fourth-century Athens. The author is also restrained and intelligent in her use of Roman material to supplement a picture (rightly) based on Menander's original texts. Her scholarly apparatus (...) is helpful, and the bibliography is full and up to date.' (SANDER M. GOLDBERG in The Classical Outlook, 1995, p.143).
€ 27.50