The Hidden Author. An Interpretation of Petronius' 'Satyricon'.
University of California Press, Berkeley (...), 1996. X,226p. Half cloth with dust wrps. Dust wrps inside creased. Nice copy.
'The six chapters of this elegant volume, finely translated by Elaine Fantham, form a revised version of the distinguished Sather Classical Lectures which C. delivered at the University of California in 1995, and deal with the narrative technique of Petronius' controversial novel and its intended effect on the reader. This is the third book on the 'Satyrica' to appear in the 1990s, and like one of its predecessors, Niall Slater's ground-breaking 'Reading Petronius' (Baltimore, 1990), it follows the thread of the Petronian narrative with the help of an original theoretical model, and combines tradition scholarship (...) with a thorough knowledge of modern critical approaches to an ancient text. The result is a highly rewarding, though not always easy to read, assessment of the novel as a whole.' (COSTAS PANAYOTAKIS in The Classical Review (New Series), 1998, p.56).
€ 39.50