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Aspects of Greek Medicine.

Charles Press, Philadelphia / Croom Helm, London (...), 1987. Reprint ed.1973. 240p. ills.(B&W photographs). Cloth wrps. Wrps with small tear, repaired with acid adhesive tape at the inside. Gift intention on free endpapers. Else fine.
‘Greek medicine’ is a welcome addition to the volumes of the series ‘Aspects of Greek and Roman life’, which have been appearing since the mid-1960s under the general editorship of Professor H.H. Scullard. As the title suggests, this volume is a survey of Greek medical thought during the approximately one thousand years which separate the incidental references to physicians and healing in the Homeric epics from the vast and professionalized medical corpus of Galen of Pergamum. The author’s intention, as he states in his Preface, is to rest ‘every particular statement made (…) directly on some piece of ancient evidence which will be found in the Notes’. This procedure has been carefully carried out and is particularly successful in the large section of the work which deals with the treatises of the ‘Hippocratic corpus’ (pp.38-121). (…) the book is a storehouse of information (…). E.D. Phillips has produced a work that is a concise and interesting introduction to the medical practices of the Greek world of antiquity for a wide and perhaps otherwise-occupied audience gathered from both classical and scientific fields.’ (A.E. HANSON in The British Journal for the History of Science, 1976, p.72).
€ 37.50 Antiquarian

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