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TATUM, J., (ed.),

The Search for the Ancient Novel.

Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore / London, 1994. XIII,463p. Paperback. Spine with slight reading trace. Remains of name and date on half title.
A.o.: J. TATUM: The Search for the Ancient Novel (pp.1-23); D. de ARMAS WILSON: Hommage to Apuleius: Cervantes' Avenging Psyche (pp.88-101); F.I. ZEITLIN: Gardens of Desire in Longus's Daphnis and Chloe: Nature, Art, and Imitation (pp.148-173); W. GEOFFREY ARNOTT: Longus, Natural History, and Realism (pp.199-216); B. EGGER: Women and Marriage in the Greek Novels: the Boundaries of Romance (pp.260-283); J. PERKINS: The Social World of the Acts of Peter (pp.296-308); K. DOWDEN: The Roman Audience of the Golden Ass (pp.419-435). 'It is now almost five years since the memorable International Conference on the Ancient Novel (otherwise known as ICAN 2) was held for most of a week in a very hot July in the wilds of New Hampshire, under the auspices of the hostly James Tatum. This conference was one of the most exciting that many of us had attended, not only because it gave us a chance to talk to our footnotes while crossing deep gorges on rotting logs, but because it more or less formally marked the emergence of the study of the Ancient Novel as a legitimate field. This volume represents a sampling of the papers delivered there, twenty-four essays (now expanded and with copious footnotes) of the original ninety papers. The Search for the Ancient Novel is a welcome memento of that wonderful occasion and many of the essays in it will be of interest to a wide variety of readers.' (ELLEN FINKELPEARL in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 94.10.03).
€ 42.50 Antiquarian